The legend of Dregga Blueclaw is in modern times more of an adventurous bedtime story for royal youths of Sylvan. Most of the true details of his story have been lost or distorted with time. The Blueclaw family alone has posession of the ancient tome that chronicles the travels and exploits of their ancient ancestor.
Dregga was born into the eastern plains lion clan. The lions were revered as the most powerful and unified tribe in all the land. During the time of the great wars there was great uncertainty and the shamans of the tribe spoke of a perilous time that would change the world as they knew it forever. The start of the time would be symbolized by the birth of a unique and gifted child.
The tribal elders brushed off the warnings of the shamans momentarily, until a family gave birth to a grey fured lion cub. Immediately the elders saw this as the sign they had been warned of by the shamans. Because of the Omen Dregga was hated by most of the tribe and treated like an outcast. It wasn't until during an attempted surprise attack on his village that he began to be recognized for his natural talent in combat. As time passed he grew into a strong warrior. The elders wanted him lead the elite war parties but Dregga kept away from leadership roles feeling that it took away from his freedom.
From his years as an outcast among his clan Dregga became accomstomed to working alone and self reliance. To the behest of the elders Dregga remained a loner. Yet he was still the lion tribes most valuable and skilled warrior.
Soon an outside tribal leader came to the lions with a proposition to unite against the impending evil tha threatend the lands. He explained that his ultimate goal was to unite all the tribes of the land and bring peace to world. The lions were a warlike people and were leary of a world of peace saying that "In a world of complete peace what good use is there for warriors"
The shamans advised the tribal king to join the outsiders cause for harmony among all the tribes. Dregga saw value in the outsiders plan and knew the journey would take him to many different parts of the world. The tribal king refused. The kings decision split the tribe in half. This was the first time ever that the lions disagreed on what action to take. Dregga requested that he go alone with the outsider to aid him and was denied.
After a short time of contemplation Dregga decided to defy the lion king and travel with the outsider, not solely to unite the tribes and bring peace, but mostly to quench his thirst for adventure.
Dreggas exploits during this time would earn him respect from many tribes as well as the favor of the elemental gods. Many wars would come to pass and Dregga along with others became known as the hero of the great wars.
After the end of the war Dregga dissapeard. His companions say that he simply wandered off into the plains with is weapons strapped to his back. Volaria was unknowingly pregnant with his child and gave birth to the next great Blueclaw who would forge a legend all his own.........