Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Night Hound - concept and desing inspiration.

We haven't come up with a definite design for the night hound as of yet, but we do have a general concept down. What I have in mind is a high tech thief that uses the most advanced technology to do his jobs. Cat suits that enhance quiet movement and even grant added agility. Gadgets for just about any situation that an advanced thief may run into. Grappling hooks, zip lines, stealth camo, emp disruption devices, gas bombs etc.

The Night Hound is an enigmatic character that is a constant thorn in the side of the Sylvan government. He\she is a thief that focuses their efforts on government installations that house some sort of delicate and often valuable information. The Night Hound has never been captured or identified. The species, sex, age, and true motives of the Night Hound are all a mystery to the local enforcement agencies.

The Night hound always leaves behind a personal and taunting message to Camus neatly folded into an Oragami dog.

The Night hound is at the top of the Sylvan kingdoms most wanted list right above Fort Foxx.
Many people speculate that Fort Foxx and The Night Hound my be the same person, but the kingdoms best detectives say their methods and motives are too different for that to be the case.

Hopefully we'll have a solid design down to show everyone soon!

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